

Empowering Professionals to Build Confidence, Overcome Burnout, and Discover Their True Passions

About me

Hi, I'm Prerika

CEO, Inspiration Careers

Hi, I’m Prerika Agarwal. With over 20 years of experience, I empower mid-career professionals to build unshakeable confidence, align their careers with personal values, and break free from societal ‘shoulds’ to pursue their true passions. 

My coaching goes beyond updating your LinkedIn profile or resume—we focus on holistic transformation and sustainable success

Prerika Agarwal
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Years of

Inspiration Careers Prerika Agarwal
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Coaching Focus Areas

Inspiration Careers - Corporate Services

Business Strategy

for entrepreneurs who want to build and scale

Create or optimize a consultant or service based business that aligns with who you truly are.


design your career path with intention

Tailored coaching to help you pivot, without compromising on your values, salary, or lifestyle.

Executive Coaching - Inspiration Careers

Burnout Recovery

Create balance , boundaries & thrive

Life coaching for entrepreneur and professionals who feel overwhelmed, and want to focus and optimize.

Client Results
With Prer’s help, I was able to leave the position where I was miserable and find one that is truly a great fit! They had everything on my wish list and it pays me DOUBLE what I used to make.
Mallory Testimonials
coach & Author
Working with Prer opened my eyes to how I view my services. She helped me see the value in ME, not just my deliverables. I thank her not only for the direction, but the confidence it gave me in myself.
Toni Testimonials
Business Owner
I am truly, truly grateful for Prer and Inspiration Careers. I would recommend her to anyone looking to get ahead in their career, solidifying their career goals, or even just looking to update their resume.
Hayley Testimonials
founder, digital Marketing

Listen to the podcast for advice in 20 minutes or lesss

Episode 108

Career Success by empowering others

Episode 109

your fear

As Seen In
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