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Inspiration Careers Blog


Career Burn Out

What are the most important promises we make? Family, Work, friends, partner? I believe they are the ones we make to ourselves! I’m feeling inspired to write this post today, because so many of us feel rundown, tired, overwhelmed… Why? We honor promises to others before we honor promises to ourselves. We prioritize that early...

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What is your Communication Style at Work?

How do you talk, email and run meetings at work? Do you lead or take direction? Are you open and clear about what you expect from people? Do you have to talk over people or keep following up? It is very important to understand what your communication style is: Direct, passive, leading, coaching etc. Even...

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Meetings all Day, Every Day?

Here in Washington, D.C., I am part of a women in business organization. At our last meeting, so many mentioned that are unable to get anything done at work till after hours because they spend the entire day in meetings. While I think that meetings have great merit, they are becoming an overused tool. The...

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Are You Scared to Dream Your Biggest Dreams?

I’m feeling inspired to write this post today, because so many friends and family members I know tell me that they want to change careers, make more money, have more balance, but when the opportunity to do so comes up, they reject it. I’ve done this myself. There is always that doubt within us that...

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How to Deal with Job Confusion and Overwhelm

Identifying what you enjoy and what you are good at I know that for many of us it’s a very uncertain time. What that does is when we’re looking at a job search, or our career path we bring that confusion with us. I’d like us all to take a couple of minutes, take a...

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Help, No One is Hiring!

Lately, many clients are saying, “Hey, I lost my job because of COVID, and I don’t know what to do” or “I’m looking for new work, where do I start?” The Challenge In a lot of cases, people are not actually taking any actions. They just know that they’ve lost their jobs and they’re stuck...

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Time is the Luxury that You Don’t Have

So many of the clients that I talk to paint me these beautiful dreams and visions. And when I tell them when they’re looking to do this they always put it in the future. They say: “not now”. “I’m not ready to do this now maybe in a couple of years, maybe once I got...

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Why Do You Work?

I was inspired to write this bit last year when I was vacationing in the South of France! Yes, I never thought I would be there, having it all. I had a dream job, I had time off, and I was making enough money to do the luxury travel I wanted. Do you work because...

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Being Bold and Bringing Your Real Self to Work

I can’t tell you the number of times that I have seen being bold listed under company value. Despite so many companies touting this is something that is important to the culture, so few are actually bold when it comes to themselves. Sometimes, they’re only being bold on behalf of their company, and sometimes, even...

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