Time is the Luxury that You Don’t Have


So many of the clients that I talk to paint me these beautiful dreams and visions. And when I tell them when they’re looking to do this they always put it in the future. They say: “not now”. “I’m not ready to do this now maybe in a couple of years, maybe once I got the experience”. Maybe when I’ll be ready, maybe this maybe that.

And the truth is, as you know, there’s never a right time. And those maybes will always be there. If there is something that is between you and your dreams and your dream job, and where you’d like to be, those excuses will always be there. There will always be family commitments, there’s always going to be the fear, the feeling, and the fear of Am I enough?

I think we have to be careful when we put our dreams entirely in the future because it’s an easy way out for us. It’s an easy way to say, “This isn’t for you yet, you’re not ready yet”. And then we get stuck and we stay in this cycle of I’m not ready yet, I’m not ready yet, it makes it really easy because we don’t have to challenge ourselves and we can kind of stay where we are, and be comfortable. You see, our brains love comfort. We all do, its that warm blanket of familiarity. When we taken on a challenge, it’s something different, and our brain tries to tell us it is dangerous. But the truth is, in order to grow, and get the results we want, we HAVE TO embrace change.

So I challenge you today: If you have a vision, and there’s a result you want to pursue, don’t put it off! Follow these 5 steps:

Clarify the result you are looking for. Don’t choose something that is way too big or something too easy. Otherwise, you will inevitably put it off or take no action.

Connect with your purpose. Be sure that goal, result, etc. truly aligns with everything else you want in your life.

Create your strategy. Break your result down into months, weeks, and days to make it easier to know what to do daily.

Choose powerful and inspired actions that support your strategy.

Celebrate! Make sure you celebrate any action that you take towards your dream results. This positive feedback mechanism will keep you going, even when you feel like things are rough.


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